Heads up! These docs are still a work in progress.
A ‘target’ for widgets, or a dropzone. Stores a series of widget instances in a managed grid layout.
FlexiTarget (component)
Name | Type | Description |
header | Snippet<[{ target: FlexiTargetController }]> | The header content of the target, above the grid. |
children | Snippet | The child content of the target, which should contain inner FlexiWidget definitions. |
footer | Snippet<[{ target: FlexiTargetController }]> | The footer content of the target, below the grid. |
containerClass | string | The class names to apply to the target's container element. |
class | string | The class names to apply to the target's root element. |
config | FlexiTargetConfiguration | The configuration object for the target. |
key | string | The unique identifier for the target. Used to identify the target when layouts are imported or exported. |
controller | FlexiBoardController (bindable) | The controller for the board. |
onfirstcreate | (controller: FlexiBoardController) => void | A callback that fires when the board's controller is first created. |
uses a controller to manage its state and behaviour. You can access the controller via binding to the controller
prop or using the onfirstcreate
The FlexiTargetController
allows you to manage the target directly and carry out actions.
Name | Type | Description |
widgets | SvelteSet<FlexiWidgetController> | The widgets currently in this target. |
config | FlexiTargetConfiguration | The reactive configuration of the target. |
providerWidgetDefaults | FlexiWidgetDefaults | undefined | The reactive default widget configuration passed through from the provider, if it exists. |
prepared | boolean | Whether the target is prepared and ready to render widgets. |
Name | Type | Description |
createWidget | (config: FlexiWidgetConfiguration) => FlexiWidgetController | undefined | Creates a new widget under this target. |
deleteWidget | (widget: FlexiWidgetController) => boolean | Deletes the given widget from this target, if it exists. |
restorePreGrabSnapshot | () => void | Restores the target to its pre-grab state. This is not intended for external use. |
forgetPreGrabSnapshot | () => void | Forgets the pre-grab state of the target. This is not intended for external use. |
dropWidget | (widget: FlexiWidgetController) => boolean | Attempts to drop a widget into this target. |
grabWidget | (params: WidgetGrabbedParams) => WidgetAction | null | Grabs a widget. |
startResizeWidget | (params: WidgetStartResizeParams) => WidgetAction | null | Starts resizing a widget. |
The configuration object for the FlexiTarget
component, which supports reactivity where specified.
To use reactivity, ensure that the config
prop has a reactive source (proxy).
Name | Type | Description |
rowSizing | string | ({ target, grid }: { target: FlexiTargetController, grid: FlexiGrid }) => string | Allows the specifying of the value inside the `repeat()` function of the `grid-template-rows` CSS property for the target. Defaults to 'minmax(1rem, auto)'. Reactive. |
columnSizing | string | ({ target, grid }: { target: FlexiTargetController, grid: FlexiGrid }) => string | Allows the specifying of the value inside the `repeat()` function of the `grid-template-columns` CSS property for the target. Defaults to 'minmax(0, 1fr)'. Reactive. |
baseColumns | number | The base number of columns for the target's grid. Defaults to 1. Not reactive. |
baseRows | number | The base number of rows for the target's grid. Defaults to 1. Not reactive. |
layout | TargetLayout | The layout algorithm and parameters to use for the target grid. Reactive. |
widgetDefaults | FlexiWidgetDefaults | The default configuration for widgets. Reactive. |
The default configuration for widgets.
Name | Type | Description |
draggable | boolean | Whether the widget is draggable. Defaults to true. Reactive. |
resizability | 'none' | 'horizontal' | 'vertical' | 'both' | The resizability of the widget. Defaults to 'both'. Reactive. |
width | number | The width of the widget in units. Defaults to 1. Not reactive. |
height | number | The height of the widget in units. Defaults to 1. Not reactive. |
snippet | Snippet | The snippet that is rendered by this widget. Reactive. |
component | Component | The component that is rendered by this widget. Reactive. |
componentProps | Record<string, any> | The props applied to the component rendered, if it has one. Reactive. |
className | ClassValue | The class names to apply to this widget. Reactive. |