Heads up! These docs are still a work in progress.


At the heart of the FlexiBoard, FlexiTarget, and FlexiWidget components are their controllers. These controllers contain the logic for the components and manage the state of the board.

By default, the controllers are hidden — they are created inside of the components. However, to set up your own actions, Flexiboards provides two primary ways to access these controllers.

Method 1: bind:controller prop

This method is the simplest way to access the controllers, and is intuitive if you’ve already familiarised yourself with bind:this from Svelte (see Svelte’s documentation for more information). When its limitations do not affect you, this is the recommended method of accessing a controller.

Here’s an example of using it to access the controller of a FlexiBoard:

<script lang="ts">
	import { FlexiBoard, type FlexiBoardController } from 'svelte-flexiboards';

	let { layout } = $props();

	let boardController: FlexiBoardController = $state() as FlexiBoardController;

	$effect(() => {
		// Do something with the controller...

<FlexiBoard bind:controller={boardController}>
	<!-- ... -->

This approach has one drawback, though. In order to safely run methods on boardController, you have to wait until the component has mounted. This means that you would be unable to access the controller on the server.

Flexiboard provides a second approach to accessing the controller without this limitation, which we’ll cover next. However, if your use-case does not require immediate access to the controller during server-side rendering (SSR), the bind:controller prop is the recommended method.

Method 2: oninitialload event

The oninitialload event allows you to specify a callback function that is called when the controller is initialised. This allows you to access and run actions on the controller during SSR.

Returning to our example of loading a layout, here’s how you would do it using the oninitialload event:

<script lang="ts">
	import { FlexiBoard, type FlexiBoardController } from 'svelte-flexiboards';

	let { layout } = $props();

	function handleImportLayout(controller: FlexiBoardController) {

<FlexiBoard oninitialload={handleImportLayout}>
	<!-- ... -->

This means that once the board mounts to the DOM, the layout being imported will be shown on the board without any client-side code needing to be run.

Note that when the oninitialload event fires, any variable binding to controller will also have been populated with the controller instance. If you prefer, this means you do not need to directly use the controller parameter passed to the callback function.

Controller APIs

Now that you know how to access each controller, you should learn what you can do with them.

See the FlexiBoard, FlexiTarget, and FlexiWidget APIs for more information.