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Anatomy of a Flexiboard

Flexiboards are constructed from a series of components, namely FlexiBoard, FlexiTarget, and FlexiWidget. When used together, they allow you to build drag-and-drop grids for various use cases.

Below is a diagram showing the anatomy of a Flexiboard that would be used for a todos board.

Snippet | Component
Snippet | Component
Snippet | Component

Here’s that board in action (with added styling):


In a Flexiboard, each of these components serves a specific purpose:

  • FlexiBoard is the main container for the board, creating the drag-and-drop environment. It isolates the targets and widgets; you can have multiple boards on a single page, but widgets cannot be dragged between different FlexiBoards.
  • FlexiTarget is a dropzone and container for widgets. You can store widgets within it in a customisable layout, and you can move widgets between different FlexiTargets of the same board.
  • FlexiWidget is the widget itself. These can be moved, resized, and customised in a number of ways. Within a FlexiWidget, you can render content in two ways: either you can use the children snippet, or you can use the component prop to render any custom component of your choosing. You can also combine them, which is helpful if you want to have a series of consistent looking widgets that can still render their own component.